Alone Star Jewelry

The question of reworking existing designs

No matter the reason, whether an old design leaves something to be desired or it is good enough to inspire further ideas, it’s cool to rework older designs. Just so happens the Texas Star earrings (right) were recently the target of such reconstruction. My ears are currently adorned with them since I love the smaller dime-size and bouncy sparkle, but resistance was futile as a new idea pushed its way in, simple as it was.

Called Texas Star Banded earrings. the irregular surface of the band reminds me of rough stone, limestone in fact, of the Hill Country. That and the star make for a real Texas flavor piece of jewelry. The Texas star inside a circle is a classic design that nowadays is seen everywhere–people love putting these stars on their homes like they do with icicle lights come Christmas. I find both the stars and the lights attractive, and classics, too! I also took the originals in another direction, carbon copies but now the size of a quarter. I hope you enjoy all these newfangled regurgitations!